Thursday, September 13, 2007


Every Thursday morning the kids go to play group. It's a chance for the toddlers and babies and ayahs (local nannies) to socialize while the parents are at work. This week, Odin and Lily hosted the event. Here's a picture of the kids enjoying some snacks. Odin is very good at sharing all his toys with the crowd. He just sat in the middle of the room and watched everyone else play for most of the morning. He seemed to enjoy being an observer.

This is Lily riding in the car this afternoon, on our way home from my office. And a couple of pictures of Odin chilling out in the play room and playing golf this evening.


jlindsey said...

I am very impressed with your blogging skills! Everyday! You are doing well little Grasshopper! Cute kids too!

Teri Gibson said...

Ahh...the Dhaka Dispatch. I have enjoyed reading the latest from your part of the world and seeing your beautiful children!

Lacey said...

I just need to see them in person.

deejensen said...

Hey! I love seeing what you guys are up to! I can't wait to see you in person soon and meet the cuties! I look forward to your blog everyday! LOL, Dee